Developers Documentation
High Level Requirements
Wiki to formalize some of the overall objectives.
Standardizing the API, verbNoun Definitions:
The API derives from a set of standard definitions for verb
s and Noun
s, please see the developer wiki regarding these definitions.
DistributedFactorGraphs.jl Docs
These are more hardy developer docs, such as the lower level data management API etc.
Design Wiki, Data and Architecture
More developer zone material will be added here in the future, but for the time being check out the Caesar Wiki.
Tree and CSM References
Major upgrades to how the tree and CSM works is tracked in IIF issue 889.
Coding Templates
We've started to organize useful coding templates that are not available elsewhere (such as JuliaDocs) in a more local developers
Shortcuts for vscode IDE
Parametric Solve Whiteboard
Early PoC work on Tree based Initialization
Variable Ordering Links
Wiki for variable ordering links.