Drawing Graphs

Graphs can be visualized by using either GraphPlot or rendering to .dot files (which can be viewed using xdot).


GraphPlot plotting is available if GraphPlot is imported before DFG is imported. Install GraphPlot using the following command:

using Pkg

Then bring GraphPlot in before DFG:

using GraphPlot
using DistributedFactorGraphs

Any factor graph can then be drawn by calling plotDFG:

# Construct graph using IIF
using IncrementalInference
# Create graph
dfg = GraphsDFG{SolverParams}(solverParams=SolverParams())
v1 = addVariable!(dfg, :x0, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:POSE], solvable=1)
v2 = addVariable!(dfg, :x1, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:POSE], solvable=1)
v3 = addVariable!(dfg, :l0, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:LANDMARK], solvable=1)
prior = addFactor!(dfg, [:x0], Prior(Normal(0,1)))
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:x0; :x1], LinearRelative(Normal(50.0,2.0)), solvable=1)
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:l0; :x0], LinearRelative(Normal(40.0,5.0)), solvable=1)
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:l0; :x1], LinearRelative(Normal(-10.0,5.0)), solvable=1)

# Plot graph
x0 x1 l0

Rendering GraphPlot to PDF

The graph can be rendered to PDF, SVG or JPG in the following way by including compose:

using Compose
# lets add another variable and factor and plot it
addVariable!(dfg, :x2, ContinuousScalar);
addFactor!(dfg, [:x1; :x2], LinearRelative(Normal(50.0,2.0)));
# Save to SVG
draw(SVG("graph.svg", 10cm, 10cm), plotDFG(dfg));

More Information

More information at GraphPlot.jl

Dot Files

Dot files are a standard format for visualizing graphs and applications such as xdot are available to view the files. Dot plotting does not require GraphPlot and can be drawn by either:

  • Calling toDot on any graph to produce a string of the graph
  • Calling toDotFile on any graph to save it directly to a dotfile
using DistributedFactorGraphs
# Construct graph using IIF
using IncrementalInference
# Create graph
dfg = GraphsDFG{SolverParams}(solverParams=SolverParams())
v1 = addVariable!(dfg, :x0, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:POSE], solvable=1)
v2 = addVariable!(dfg, :x1, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:POSE], solvable=1)
v3 = addVariable!(dfg, :l0, ContinuousScalar, tags = [:LANDMARK], solvable=1)
prior = addFactor!(dfg, [:x0], Prior(Normal(0,1)))
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:x0; :x1], LinearRelative(Normal(50.0,2.0)), solvable=1)
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:l0; :x0], LinearRelative(Normal(40.0,5.0)), solvable=1)
f1 = addFactor!(dfg, [:l0; :x1], LinearRelative(Normal(-10.0,5.0)), solvable=1)
# Save to dot file
toDotFile(dfg, "/tmp/test.dot")
# Open with xdot
# run(`xdot /tmp/test.dot`)
[ Info: try doautoinit! of x0
[ Info: try doautoinit! of x0
[ Info: init with useinitfct [:x0f1]
[ Info: do init of x0
┌ Warning: updateVariableSolverData with solveKey parameter might change in the future, see DFG #565. Future warnings are suppressed
└ @ DistributedFactorGraphs ~/work/DistributedFactorGraphs.jl/DistributedFactorGraphs.jl/src/services/DFGVariable.jl:782
[ Info: try doautoinit! of x1
[ Info: try doautoinit! of l0
[ Info: try doautoinit! of l0
[ Info: init with useinitfct [:l0x0f1]
[ Info: do init of l0
┌ Warning: updateVariableSolverData with solveKey parameter might change in the future, see DFG #565. Future warnings are suppressed
└ @ DistributedFactorGraphs ~/work/DistributedFactorGraphs.jl/DistributedFactorGraphs.jl/src/services/DFGVariable.jl:782
[ Info: try doautoinit! of x1
[ Info: init with useinitfct [:x0x1f1, :l0x1f1]
[ Info: do init of x1