
First things first: install Julia. You can follow my tutorial here.

To install TORA.jl, start Julia and enter Pkg mode by pressing ], and then run


After the command above, you are pretty much done.

You are good to go

I recommend you to go and follow the tutorial now.

The installation notes below need not be followed right now. At the end of the tutorial, I will refer you back here.

HSL Routines for Ipopt

This section will guide you through the steps required to install the Harwell Subroutine Library (HSL).

Information about Ipopt and the HSL

TORA.jl uses Ipopt (Interior-Point OPTimizer) by default, a large-scale nonlinear optimization solver.

Ipopt itself depends on other solvers to handle systems of linear equations.

The Harwell Subroutine Library (HSL) provides a number of linear solvers that can be used in Ipopt.

Choose a good linear solver

Picking a good linear solver is extremely important to maximise the performance of nonlinear solvers.

For example, the linear solver MA27 is out dated and can be quite slow. MA57 is a much better alternative, especially for highly-sparse problems (such as trajectory optimization problems).

First, install the following dependencies:

sudo apt install gcc g++ gfortran git patch wget pkg-config liblapack-dev libmetis-dev

Clone Ipopt to your Home folder:

git clone ~/Ipopt

Clone the COIN-OR Tools project ThirdParty-HSL into Ipopt's folder:

cd ~/Ipopt
git clone

Go to and download Coin-HSL Full (Stable) [Linux x86_64].


Downloading Coin-HSL Full requires a licence. If you are an academic, you can get one for free.

Extract and rename the downloaded archive into ~/Ipopt/ThirdParty-HSL:

cd ~/Ipopt/ThirdParty-HSL
tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/coinhsl-2019.05.21.tar.gz
mv coinhsl-2019.05.21 coinhsl

Configure, make, and install HSL:

sudo make install

For compatibility, create linking to

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s

Finally, add the following line to the end of your .bashrc (or .zshrc):

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"

Artelys Knitro

Not ready yet

Documentation to be written.