Adding a New Robot

This tutorial explains how to use TORA.jl with a robot that has not yet been added to the package.

As an example, I will demonstrate how to add the Kinova Gen3 lite robot.


If you are adding a widely available robot, consider creating a fork of TORA.jl and following this guide such that you can submit a Pull Request once you are done.

Add the Robot Submodule

Usually, widely-used robots have existing GitHub repositories associated with them. For the Kinova Gen3 lite, that repository is Kinovarobotics/ros_kortex.

To add the repository as a submodule, I will run

git submodule add

inside the root of the TORA.jl package.

Prepare the Robot URDF

The next step is to prepare the URDF model of the robot, which we will load later using RigidBodyDynamics.jl.

After a bit of searching, I found the .xacro file of the robot I want under TORA.jl/ros_kortex/kortex_description/robots/gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.xacro.

Inside a catkin workspace, I will convert the .xacro file into a .urdf by running

rosrun xacro xacro -o gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.urdf gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.xacro

Afterwards, I'll just move the generated .urdf file to the TORA.jl/robots folder.

Now I need to open the .urdf with a text editor, and look for the end-effector frame. Scrolling down, I see:

<!-- Tool frame used by the arm -->
<link name="tool_frame"/>

I will note down the name of this frame, as I will need it soon.


The default .urdf of other robots may not come with a tool frame. In such cases, you can add one manually. Look at other existing .urdf files for examples in TORA.jl/robots.

As I scroll through the .urdf, I notice that this robot has two actuated fingers:

<joint name="right_finger_bottom_joint" type="revolute">
<joint name="right_finger_tip_joint" type="revolute">
<joint name="left_finger_bottom_joint" type="revolute">
<joint name="left_finger_tip_joint" type="revolute">

I am not very interested in planning a trajectory for each of these joints with TORA.jl, so I will manually edit the .urdf and change the type of these joints from "revolute" to "fixed".

Write the Create Method

The last thing I need to do is write a method wrapping the Robot constructor in src/robot.jl.

function create_robot_kinova_gen3_lite(vis::Visualizer)
    package_path = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "ros_kortex")
    urdfpath = joinpath(@__DIR__, "..", "robots", "gen3_lite_gen3_lite_2f.urdf")

    mechanism = parse_urdf(urdfpath, remove_fixed_tree_joints=false)
    frame_ee = default_frame(findbody(mechanism, "tool_frame"))

    urdfvisuals = URDFVisuals(urdfpath, package_path=[package_path])
    mvis = MechanismVisualizer(mechanism, urdfvisuals, vis["robot"])
    # setelement!(mvis, frame_ee)  # Visualize a triad at the end-effector

    Robot(urdfpath, mechanism, frame_ee, mvis)

As a convention, the name of this method should start with create_robot_ followed by the name of the robot. The string package_path should point to the submodule of the robot, which contains the meshes needed to render the robot in the visualizer. The urdfpath string should point to the .urdf file of the robot. Finally, frame_ee should be assigned to the tool frame of the robot, which in this case is "tool_frame"—the name I had noted down before.

Test the New Robot

The robot is now ready to be used with TORA.jl. To test it out, I will try to run the Tutorial notebook with the new robot. Instead of calling

robot = TORA.create_robot_kuka_iiwa_14(vis)

I will call

robot = TORA.create_robot_kinova_gen3_lite(vis)

Running the rest of the tutorial notebook, I get:


The Kinova Gen3 lite is smaller than the KUKA LBR iiwa 14 used in the Tutorial. Therefore, the circle that the robot is tracing in the video above is lower, and the position of the end-effector in task-space is given by

pos = [0.5, 0.2 * cos(θ), 0.5 + 0.2 * sin(θ)]

To make the video above loop seamlessly, I also fixed the initial and final joint positions to the same configuration, using the fix_joint_positions! method.