Additional (Large) Data

There are a variety of situations that require more data to be stored natively in the factor graph object. This page will showcase some of Entry=>Data features available.

Adding A FolderStore

Caesar.jl (with DFG) supports storage and retrieval of larger data blobs by means of various database/datastore technologies. To get going, you can use a conventional FolderStore:

# temporary location example
storeDir = joinpath("/tmp","cjldata")
datastore = FolderStore{Vector{UInt8}}(:default_folder_store, storeDir) 
addBlobStore!(fg, datastore)

This example places the data folder in the .logpath location which defaults to /tmp/caesar/UNIQUEDATETIME. This is not a long term storage location since /tmp is periodically cleared by the operating system. Note that the data folder can be used in combination with loading and saving factor graph objects.

Adding Data Blobs

Just showcasing a JSON Dict approach

using JSON2
someDict = Dict(:name => "Jane", :data => randn(100))
addData!(fg, :default_folder_store, :x1, :datalabel, Vector{UInt8}(JSON2.write( someDict )), mimeType="application/json/octet-stream"  )
# see retrieval example below...

This approach allows the maximum flexibility, for example it is also possible to do:

# from
using TestImages, Images, ImageView
img = testimage("mandrill")

# TODO, convert to Vector{UInt8}
using ImageMagick, FileIO
# convert image to PNG bytestream
io = IOBuffer()
pngSm = Stream(format"PNG", io)
save(pngSm, img)  # think FileIO is required for this
pngBytes = take!(io)
addData!(fg, :default_folder_store, :x1, :testImage, pngBytes, mimeType="image/png", description="mandrill test image"  )

Retrieving a Data Blob

Data is stored as an Entry => Blob relationship, and the entries associated with a variable can be found via

julia> listDataEntries(fg, :x6)
1-element Array{Symbol,1}:

And retrieved via:

rawData = getData(fg, :x6, :JOYSTICK_CMD_VALS);
imgEntry, imgBytes = getData(fg, :x1, :testImage)

Looking at rawData in a bit more detail:

julia> rawData[1]
BlobStoreEntry(:JOYSTICK_CMD_VALS, UUID("d21fc841-6214-4196-a396-b1d5ef95be49"), :default_folder_store, "deeb3ed0cba6ffd149298de21c361af26a207e565e27a3cd3fa6c807b9aaa44d", "DefaultUser|DefaultRobot|Session_851d81|x6", "", "application/json/octet-stream", TimeZones.ZonedDateTime(2020, 8, 15, 14, 26, 36, 397, tz"UTC-04:00"))

julia> rawData[2]
3362-element Array{UInt8,1}:

For :testImage the data was packed in a familiar image/png and can be converted backto bitmap (array) format:

rgb = ImageMagick.readblob(imgBytes); # automatically detected as PNG format

using ImageView

In the other case where data was packed as "application/json/octet-stream":

myData =[2]))

# as example
julia> myData[1]
3-element Array{Any,1}:
                    (buttons = Any[0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], axis = Any[0, 0.25026196241378784, 0, 0, 0, 0])

Quick Camera Calibration Storage Example

Consider storing camera calibration data inside the factor graph tar.gz object for later use:

fx = 341.4563903808594
fy = 341.4563903808594
cx = 329.19091796875
cy = 196.3658447265625

K = [-fx 0  cx;
      0 fy cy]

# Cheap way to include data as a Blob.  Also see the more hacky `Smalldata` alternative for situations that make sense.
camCalib = Dict(:size=>size(K), :vecK=>vec(K))
         Vector{UInt8}(JSON2.write(camCalib)), mimeType="application/json/octet-stream", 
         description="reshape(camCalib[:vecK], camCalib[:size]...)") 

Working with Binary Data (BSON)

Sometime it's useful to store binary data. Let's combine the example of storing a Flux.jl Neural Network object using the existing BSON approach. Also see BSON wrangling snippets here.


We will store binary data as Base64 encoded string to avoid other framing problems. See Julia Docs on Base64

# the object you wish to store as binary
model = Chain(Dense(5,2), Dense(2,3))

io = IOBuffer()

# using BSON
BSON.@save io model

# get base64 binary
mdlBytes = take!(io)

         mdlBytes, mimeType="application/bson/octet-stream", 
         description="BSON.@load PipeBuffer(readBytes) model") 

Experimental Features

Loading images is a relatively common task, hence a convenience function has been developed, when using ImageMagick try Caesar.fetchDataImage.